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Rare Hands: Palmistry & The Simian Line

My friend took me to a palm reading event on Monday as sort of a birthday present. (Shoutout to my fellow Geminis!)  The palm reader looked at my hands and said I had a “Simian Line”.

She called everyone else over too look at my palms and claimed I was a rare exception to the typical palmistry archetypes. Yes, I am indeed “not of this world!”

That’s not all. I had a simian line on both of my hands. Doubly rare!

Simian Line
Me with simian lines on both palms in 2016

What does a Simian Line mean?

It’s where the head and the heart line are merged into a single line (sometimes called a Simian Crease). This usually means it’s hard to separate logic and feelings. It’s often associated with being a mystic, visionary, guru, or leader (best case) and a socially awkward outcast or crazy person at worst. There are also claims that it’s associated with down syndrome and monkeys. If you have a simian line, you’re either a genius or insane if you believe what you read on the internet. As if I needed yet another reason to think I’m a special!

I haven’t been able to find much satisfying information online. I loved Richard Unger’s book Life Prints but it was more about what your fingerprints tell you about your life and not necessarily the lines. Still cool. My palm reader recommended Kay Packard about reading your palms to decode your life purpose. Makes me want to follow my curiosity and explore palmistry further and see what all the other lines of my palms have to tell me. Fascinating!

Simian Line Diagram

Thoughts and Feelings on the Same Track

What I do know is that I have a very strong heart and strong mind. They really do feel linked. I cannot tolerate working on something that does not actively engage my heart and my mind. I have to feel like it’s aligned with my truth. And what feels true for me is very particular. I find myself driven more by intuition rather than logic but I tend to over analyze and process my feelings mentally. And you all know I love talking about my feelings and my emotional processes!

I found out one of my close friends has a simian line on one of her hands. And see all sorts of incredible markings on other hands I’ve looked at. It’s amazing how different we are and the stories they tell.

Are We Special Beings?

The way I felt after getting “diagnosed” with a simian line was quite uplifted and inspired. To be honest, I really do think I’m a visionary with a purpose in this life. My ego wants to take ownership of this idea and use it to feel special and important. But what feels more true for me is that I am simply a conduit for a bigger purpose that is beyond little ole me. I know that I’m here to bring more love and healing to the planet. To hold space for the shift in human consciousness. To usher in the new world and be a leader in my own unique way. Really, my purpose is just to be true to myself and follow my heart and not what other people say.

I know everyone has their unique purpose, and that’s what is so fun about self discovery and self actualization. You get to tap into your own specialness and super powers. Don’t buy into the notion that you’re not special or worthy. That’s just a lie to keep you from being your full potential.

I’m curious to know if any of my readers has a simian line or is familiar with palmistry. What do your palms say about you?

Jeff Finley
Jeff Finley

Jeff is a graphic artist, designer, musician, writer, and mystic with a passion for truth and personal growth. He's the author of Wake Up, Maker/Mistaker, and Thread's Not Dead, as well as the creator of Starseed Supply Co. Learn more about him here.

Articles: 248


  1. I am simian lines with both hands too. And i never meet one in person with same both hands. I know someone in our family but only 1 hand. And i am born in the year of monkey😅

  2. I am 28 M and a gemini. I have always wondered why I have dead straight lines going across both my palms like somebody has put both my hands together and sliced them. I suggest reading this if you have not already. This is for my simian peoples lol.
    From reading the comments it looks like a lot of us are similar and have similar mindsets and want to be great. It will happen gang.
    PS alot of double handed simian Geminis like me in here too. There defo is a higher power out there which bonds all of us people to have similar traits. Apparently only 3percent of the world are double handed simians.

  3. I have the line on both and been told I have 2 guardian angels. Still trying to find out more as my life feels unforfilled

    • I have on both hands. It’s been said that we have leadership skills. Do you happen to have another line on top of the simian line?

  4. I have the simian lines on both hands and what you said resonates big time. I also feel I have a purpose that’s bigger than me.

  5. Thank you for the post, I have simian line on both hands, I feel special since my childhood, I am rather intelligent but solitaire. I have high intuition, very useful in my job in chemistry and artistic inspiration. I have surnumerary teeth, look 10 years younger than my age and despite drinking à lot of alcohol, no gamma GT are detected. I don’t know if all this is linked together.

  6. I have simian lines in both hands. The right hand looks very much like yours. The left hand has a line completely across but right in the middle there’s a little zig zag that looks like the mark of Zorro. Wonder what that means. I just realized today that my daughter also has a Simian line on one palm.

  7. Over the years, I’m 85, I have met only 3 people with STPC on one hand, but never met one person that had it on both hands, BSTPL.
    People think it strange when I ask to see their hands, I just keep looking for, you know what.

  8. Do you have a instagram page for all of us simian palmer’s to catch up? I think we could all really help each other and discover more

  9. Just want to say even if we are not feeling like we are from this planet, simian lines are a true gift…and never feel alone

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