2 min read

The Way of the Superior Man - Beyond Porn-Influenced Sex

I've been obsessed with the teachings of David Deida lately. He's the author of The Way of the Superior Man. I've heard a lot about the divine masculine and the suppression of which that men have experience in our generation. But this guy gets it and expresses what I have believe in my heart but never had the words or confidence to describe.

Basically in previous generations, the concept of the ideal man has been all spine and no heart. The macho man. Nowadays, lots of men are all heart and no spine. The nice guy syndrome. Men overcompensate by acting like assholes because that's what they think women want. They've got it all wrong and this is why.

Once you get past the hilarious 90s fashions, this video is gold. Sometimes cringeworthy, but that's why it's great.

Side note, one thing I like about David Deida is he doesn't exclude same sex relationships. Sure he uses men/women by default, but makes a point that it could be man/man or woman/woman relationships. We all have both masculine and feminine energy within. But an individual will have either a dominant masculine essence or a feminine essence. For truly passionate love to occur, it must be a union of those two energies reuniting as one.

This is what sacred love is.

It's beyond the sex-for-pleasure, porn influenced sex most people experience. It's sex that transcends the two (or more) beings and melts into one. Sometimes, this is as close to the divine (Source, Creator, God, etc) that one will get in their life. But for most people, sex is either quick tension release or an obligation, but often leaves both partners longing for something greater.

[Tweet "Sacred love is the best kind of love"]

When you read that book or watch this video, notice what triggers you. Notice when you feel a rush of inspiration and positive energy. Or shivers down your spine when you recognize truth in what you see. Also notice when you cringe in discomfort or get angry or offended. These two emotions tell you a lot about yourself and where you are at in your personal development.

For me, I resonated with 90% of what his book is about, but the other 10% terrified me. There were moments where I felt like I'd never be confident enough to act like a "real" man, and other parts where I was roaring with fire inside because I know this is who I really am.

Either way, I'm grateful for having come across David's work. I can thank Gigi Young for the recommendation. I had to share.

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