Love & Relationships
Whose Reality Are You Living In?
Ever feel like you're living in someone else's world? After a recent trip with friends, I craved quiet and solitude. I wondered, "Whose reality am I living in? Mine or theirs?"
Love & Relationships
Anger and Resentment - A Wake Up Call
The past two weeks have been quite challenging emotionally. My partner Cara and I have had several fights (about the
Love & Relationships
Sexual Healing and Healthy Masculinity Outside of Work and Women | WSBW 11
Zach and Jeff continue to discuss Jeff's time in Austin and his decision to go backpacking in Europe
Cuddle Parties, Astral Projection, and Lucid Dreaming | WSBW 10
Episode 10 of We Should Be Working! Zach and Jeff talk shop, web design, and motion graphics meetups. Zach asks
Discomfort and Busting Loose
Yesterday I was on a walk listening to some podcasts and had a good idea for what to write about
Love & Relationships
Words Are Very Unnecessary (When Dealing with Anxiety)
The biggest thing that happened this week is something I really don't want to talk about.
I decided
Love & Relationships
Podcast - Kink Deep Dive with Brittany Giese
I was a guest on the Welcome to My Chair podcast this week and talked about kink, bdsm, twin flames, conscious relationships, and personal growth.
Twin Flames: What Are They Really?
A reader emailed me and asked if I had any thoughts on Twin Flames. It turns out I do. I
Can Spirituality and BDSM Exist Together?
A reader asked a thoughtful question about spirituality's connection to sex, kink, and BDSM. I'm sharing our exchange with permission.
Love & Relationships
What My Self Love Practice Looks Like These Days
So what's my morning routine like these days? How many hours am I meditating? How many books do
Love & Relationships
Professional Cuddling & Sexual Healing
I've been doing quite a bit of research and experimenting with desire and the guilt that I often
Love & Relationships
Physical Attraction is So Weird
I've been so fascinated with physical attraction these days. You know, chemistry, sparks, crushes, and butterflies. That sorta
Love & Relationships
Relationships Are a Reflection of You
I've been reflecting on the short love relationship I recently ended. I learned a lot about how I
Love & Relationships
32 Self-Date Ideas
After the breakup, all I could was think about her. I contacted lots of friends and realized I was kinda
Love & Relationships
Breaking Up With Someone You Love
Yesterday I had to break up with a woman who I really love and care about, but the relationship was
Love & Relationships
Sensitive as Fuck: Three Weaknesses Exposed
I've been hanging out more with my new Austin lover and most of the time it's
The Shift is Happening
This week things have been shifting for me. Every since I had I my conversation with money, which turned into
I Had a Talk With Money and What I Learned Was Heartbreaking
I was trying not to complain too hard to my friend about my money situation. I felt embarrassed to even