members-only post 2 min read

Free Download: Esoteric & Occult Hand-Drawn Vector Pack

A free sample of Jeff Finley’s Esoteric & Occult Vector Collection. Includes 20 hand-drawn, scalable illustrations for personal and commercial projects.
Free Download: Esoteric & Occult Hand-Drawn Vector Pack

This is a free sampling of Jeff Finley's hand-drawn Esoteric & Occult Vector Collection. The download contains 20 scalable images for you to use in your personal and commercial projects. Great for band shirts, gig posters, album artwork, and other works of art.

In the mood to create something that looks ancient and old-world? Check. What about something conspiratorial? What about something pseudo-religious or occult? What about something mystical, magical, or alchemical? This pack can do all of that!

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