Chakra Patches: Complete Set of 7

Celebrate your spiritual journey with these high-quality Chakra patches. Designed to inspire self-awareness and connection to your True Self. Includes 7 patches.
Beautiful chakra patches gift set

About the Patches

This Chakra patch set includes 7 iron-on patches, each representing one of the human body's energetic centers: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown.

I created these patches to honor the role the Chakra system has played in my own spiritual journey. After years of trying to make sense of it, I realized that the Chakras can be an incredible tool for self-awareness and healing.

These patches are a visual reminder to stay connected to your body and spirit. Stick them on your jacket, backpack, laptop, or whatever speaks to you. Embrace your spiritual journey and celebrate the awakening of your higher being with these vibrantly embroidered iron-on patches.


  • Premium Embroidery: Rich, vibrant colors with fine detail.
  • Perfect Size: Each patch measures 2" x 2"—ideal for jackets, backpacks, hats, or altar cloths.
  • Easy Application: Iron-on adhesive backing for quick attachment
  • Thoughtful Design: Created with love, inspired by personal experience.
  • Durable Finish: Merrowed border ensures longevity.

What are the Chakras?

Chakras are energy centers in your body, each linked to different aspects of your emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being. Think of them like gateways for life force energy. When energy flows smoothly, you feel balanced and aligned. But when it gets blocked, it can lead to emotional distress or even physical issues. That’s why you’ll often hear people talk about "balancing your chakras" or "opening your third eye."

But here’s the thing, your intuition is your best guide. While chakras are a powerful framework for self-awareness and healing, what matters most is what resonates with you.

According to Wikipedia:

"Chakras are focal points in the subtle body, used in ancient meditation practices across Tantra, Indian religions, Chinese Taoism, Tibetan Buddhism, and Japanese Esoteric Buddhism. In modern times, they’ve also been explored in New Age spirituality and psychology, notably through the work of Carl G. Jung."

If you prefer a visual explanation, check out this video.

The 7 Chakras – A Quick Guide

Arranged along the spine from bottom to top, each chakra corresponds to a different aspect of life:

  1. Root Chakra (Muladhara)Red, base of the spine
    Grounding, security, innocence
  2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)Orange, lower abdomen
    Creativity, passion, sexual energy
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)Yellow, between ribs & navel
    Confidence, personal power, ego
  4. Heart Chakra (Anahata)Green, center of the chest
    Love, compassion, emotional healing
  5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)Blue, throat
    Expression, communication, truth
  6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)Indigo, forehead
    Intuition, insight, imagination
  7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)Violet, above the head
    Higher consciousness, divine connection

Each chakra represents a unique energy and archetype, offering a deeper understanding of yourself.

My Personal Chakra Story

I first learned about Chakras in 2009 when I started taking yoga classes. At the time, I dismissed them as just another woo-woo spiritual concept that didn’t really resonate with me. But when I went through my dark night of the soul and had a spiritual awakening in 2013, I kept hearing about them again and again.

As I explored different Eastern spiritual practices and attended New Age gatherings, the Chakra system was everywhere. Yet, it still didn’t click for me.

Then in 2014, I started following George Kavasilass and Carla Fox, who claimed to have transcended the Chakra system entirely. They saw it as an energetic implant, a program designed by a malevolent controlling force. That idea resonated with me at the time, and in an effort to reclaim my spiritual sovereignty, I tried to remove my Chakras through meditation.

Carla even tested my Chakras with a pendulum afterward and found they were still spinning away.

Hmm. So, either I didn’t do it right, or maybe my higher self stepped in and stopped me from doing something I wasn’t actually ready for. Either way, I eventually let it go and moved on.

A few years later, as I got deeper into self-development, healing, and truth-seeking, I found myself revisiting the Chakra system. This time with fresh eyes. I’d always felt somewhat disconnected from my body, and oddly enough, the Chakras helped me reconnect.

I began associating pain, discomfort, and sensations with different Chakra points. Then, I learned about the emotional and energetic aspects tied to each one. The more I explored, the more I saw the practical benefits. The Chakra system became less about belief and more about self-awareness and self-healing.

Now, do I believe the Chakras are real? Yes. But I also remain open to questioning why they exist and how they work. If they were designed as a control mechanism, then wouldn’t it be worth understanding their purpose? Rather than just rejecting them outright?

A spiritual seeker can get stuck in any system, belief, or methodology. But once your soul learns what it came to learn, you naturally move on. If you’re still drawn to something, chances are, you haven’t finished learning from it yet.

That’s why I’ve chosen to honor the role Chakras have played in my journey by creating this set of patches.

I don’t claim to fully understand why Chakras are designed the way they are. The symbols and colors I used are based on traditional representations you’ll find online, and while these designs aren’t completely original, I’ve put my own spin on them. The initial inspiration came from Phongsun Pasalung’s stock illustrations on, but since he later took down the original file, I designed these myself in Adobe Illustrator.

This is my way of engaging with the Chakra system; not as a rigid truth, but as a useful tool for growth, healing, and self-discovery.

My Intention with these Patches

My intention with these chakra patches is to provide you a way to celebrate your spiritual journey. To inspire deeper understanding of who you are, where you came from, and why you are the way you are. To encourage further awakening of your True Self and connection to your greater being. Stay spiritually sovereign and follow your inner guidance. Allow the chakra system to teach you and be your guide for as long as you feel called to do so.

About Starseed Supply Co.

Starseed Supply Co. is an indie brand by designer, author, and mystic Jeff Finley, created for starseeds, visionaries, and conscious creators. Our patches and accessories are designed to inspire self-expression, spark meaningful connections, and bring a sense of play to your journey. Explore more at

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