My Quantum Sphere Healing Experience with Carla Fox
Last week I had the pleasure of receiving a 2-hour, remote "Quantum Sphere Healing" session from Carla Fox.
Coincidence? Or a sign of destiny?
This morning I experienced a unique vision in my meditation that was followed up by an odd coincidence (I prefer
Am I a Starseed?
This may be the point where you stop reading this blog because it's getting too weird. I warn
Dealing with Negative Emotion - My Experience with Soul Retrieval
A week or two ago I had "Soul Retrieval" session with shamanic healer Kelly La Sha. Kelly is
Love & Relationships
Someone to Talk To
A couple weeks ago I was having a really bad night. It's too personal for me to want
Love & Relationships
Thank You Edinboro
The past couple days have been amazing. I had the pleasure to speak to the senior graphic design class at
My Craziest Out of Body Experience
It's been a while since I've posted. I have been busy obsessing over out of body
Love & Relationships
The Need to be Liked
Practicing mindfulness and meditation is like shining a light in the dark closet of your mind. You find things in there that have always existed but you never paid attention to. Emotions for example. As you practice paying attention inside, you begin to realize when negative emotion stirs up and yo
My First Out of Body Experience
This morning, I had my first fully conscious out-of-body experience. It was surreal, vivid, and left me questioning everything. Here's what happened.
Personal Growth
The State of Discontent
Besides fear, discontent is probably the most prevalent emotion we all have in common. It's a low lying dread in the back of our mind that's constantly dissatisfied with the present. We are always looking for something to change or improve. Nothing is good enough. Just recently, as I was on vacatio
Personal Growth
Fear of Making Money
A while back I was having a conversation with a friend of mine Danielle Harper. We were discussing a lot
My Meditation Practice
Today marks the 46th consecutive day that I have meditated. I do it first thing in the morning. Two days ago I experienced something interesting during my session. I entered a state where I was intensely focused on my breath, completely relaxed, and my conscious thought was at a minimum. I started f
Personal Growth
Our Obsession with Productivity
On days I'm not productive I feel guilty, like my time on Earth is being wasted. Do you ever get that feeling where you should be doing something productive every second? Or whatever you are doing is a waste of time if it's not making progress on anything important or urgent?
Personal Growth
The Night Owl's Secret to Building a Killer Morning Routine
Update: Waking up early for a year, here's how my life has changed.
Update 2: I wrote a
Personal Growth
Overcoming Depression - Part 3: Early Riser
This is part three of my introductory posts on the Maker/Mistaker blog. I'm taking you on the journey of how I got out of my depressed and worried state of mind. My last post covered how I built positive habits and left off with establishing an early-morning routine. My morning routine has been the
Personal Growth
Overcoming Depression - Part 2: Habit Change
My last two posts have been about depression and setting the stage for what's to come. Let's get to something more positive, shall we? In January I bought Taking the Leap: Freeing Ourselves from Old Habits and Fears [
Personal Growth
Overcoming Depression - Part 1: Admitting It
This is going to be my first post in a series that will describe how I have changed since I admitted I was in a state of depression. God I still cringe whenever I say that because I'm still embarrassed about it. I feel like people are going to think less of me or jump to conclusions that something i