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Pleiades Star System

Am I a Starseed?

This may be the point where you stop reading this blog because it’s getting too weird. I warn you, it’s only going to get weirder! Only open minded, curious people are encouraged to read further. :-)

During my Soul Retrieval session a couple weeks ago, my healer recognized in me this deep desire to love, inspire, and uplift people around me. She said I was a Starseed. That was the first I had heard of that term.

I later looked it up and the idea of it is strangely exciting to me. According to Wikipedia, “Starseeds are defined as evolved beings from another planet, star system or galaxy who have come to Earth with the specific mission of assisting its people to achieve a higher level of civilization and peace.” In my own words, I define it as a person who’s soul has a rich galactic lineage and has incarnated in many different forms. Some of those may be of different Extra Terrestrial races. Abilities such as clairvoyance, intuition, empathy, telepathy and the like are common among Starseeds.

Starseed Constellation Illustration by Jeff Finley
Illustration I did for my new brand Starseed Supply Co.

How do I know it’s for real?

When I looked into it, this concept of Starseeds is relatively new, but popping up all over the world as people who are waking up spiritually on a mass scale. I asked my healer, “How do I know if that is real? Or if I really am a Starseed?” She said, “Ask yourself, you have the answers within.”

I know she’s right, I do have the answers within. But trusting myself is another issue.

I decided to go for a long walk and meditate on that. I would ask myself, “Am I a Starseed?” And I would get waves of shivers throughout my body and a sense of joy and excitement within. Ok, interesting. I asked this Universal Intelligence around me, “How do I know?” And I got the intense feeling, “Trust me, you are. You know it!” I realized I was cracking a smile as something inside was celebrating my new found realization. My walking started to quicken as a feeling of empowerment started coming over me.


Is it just another label?

But here is where my ego comes in. Aren’t I “just making this all up?” It’s not really, real is it? I have no evidence or proof or can’t possibly show someone my Starseed Certificate of Approval (I made a patch for that). Isn’t it just another label? You know, like Democrat, Republican, Christian, Atheist, Straight Edge, Punk, etc. When I’ve been shedding my identification with these labels, why would I want to attach another?

Carl Sagan said, “We are made of star stuff.” Which in the grand scheme of things is true, we originated from the big bang and we’re just a fractal of the universe. But our souls are infinite and eternal and have incarnated into many bodies and many lifetimes. It’s absurd to think that we are alone in the universe and I know there is more to life than just what’s on Earth. So it makes logical sense to me that my soul could have incarnated into other physical forms in different parts of the universe. I can’t explain it, but I can feel it.

Signs of a Starseed

I took a few “Starseed Quizzes” online and found that it describes me in a lot of ways. I am naturally drawn to artistic or creative endeavors like art, design, dance, film, etc. I’m a lover, not a fighter – I want to see everyone live in harmony together. I strive to bring people together and inspire them to realize their true inner creative visionary. I feel like I have some sort of mission in life. However, not all the “signs” fit me – such as having a history of paranormal activity, psychic abilities, dreams of distant planets or encounters with ETs and aliens. Not yet at least. Well, ever since my spiritual awakening I’ve been having regular lucid dreams and astral projections. And I’ve been getting more tuned in with my intuition and inner energy.

But, it’s not like I’m going to find an answer on an online quiz, I’m just looking outside myself to validate what I feel inside. I tend to do that when I’m learning something new about myself.

Where has my soul been?

So if my soul has a rich galactic lineage, where has it been? When I read about different Star Systems, I just took notice of the sensations of feeling inside my body. Some of them I was bored reading. Some of them I thought described someone else I knew… However, when I got to the Pleiades, I started feeling the hairs stand up on my arms, chills of energy flowed down my body again and I had a sense of familiarity. It definitely described me.

But I also resonated with several other parts of different star systems… Some of my more evolved spiritual friends told me that we likely come from MANY different star systems and our souls have been a lot of places. It’s all just coming together at this time on Earth because of the big changes happening here.

Ego Identity

But is my ego just looking for a cool new identity to attach itself to? As I get more into my spiritual path and let this whole thing called life unfold itself within me without judgement or resistance, I find myself getting more connected to esoteric subject matter. This is no exception. But I also worry that my ego thinks it’s a cool club to join for very special souls. And my ego has a history of wanting to feel special.

Or is my ego the one causing fear, doubt, and worry about something that is true deep within? I am not sure of the answer. I have a good idea that my ego is the one that doesn’t want me to post this because it’s afraid of what other people will think. It’s afraid of being judged or ridiculed or called crazy.

But I do know that I trust my heart.

My heart is telling me to be proud of who I am at this point in my spiritual journey. Excitement, hope, joy, doubt, fear, questioning.

All of it.

Follow the path of love and see where it leads.

PS. Check out my Starseed Supply Co. shop!

Jeff Finley
Jeff Finley

Jeff is a graphic artist, designer, musician, writer, and mystic with a passion for truth and personal growth. He's the author of Wake Up, Maker/Mistaker, and Thread's Not Dead, as well as the creator of Starseed Supply Co. Learn more about him here.

Articles: 243


  1. Hi jeff! thank you very much for sharing your thoughts. i am 23 years old from the philippines and only recently have i been awakened by the universal fact that we are descendants of Pleidians whose goal is to help us evolve spiritually and attain enlightenment, hearing this and thinking to myself this all sounds “crazy” for one who is not yet ready for such truth, but for us starseeds i believe that we now know who we really are, where we came from, and why we are here. i hope you continue to shed light to others who are thinking thay they are “crazy” when infact something profound has happened in their lives. thanks again, jeff. stay safe always! hope we could exchange emails sometime.

  2. Hello! I came to know of Starseeds only yesterday and at first, I had mixed feelings.

    I was mostly excited, that “home” really did exist somewhere for me, that I can look up at the sky and not feel like I was lost. I was happy but like many, Ego came in with all sorts of doubts and I admit, I always question everything. I always need some sort of solid proof. But something inside me kept telling me “this is who you are”, “your people are waiting to meet you too”.
    I tried researching and I have seen comments like “I know who I am. I remember.” They even remember things like their “real name” and origins. Personally, I have always loved the idea of galaxies, ever since I was 3 (that’s the earliest of my memory). When I look up at the night sky, I wish I could just keep gazing at the stars forever, sometimes I’d feel like crying out to them, whoever is up there.

    My heart tells me “Sirius”. It is going off like an alarm in my soul and I feel a little dizzy. I keep seeing 333, 345 and 456. Is this some sort of sign? Is it really okay (or right) to trust my own heart? That is a question I ask myself a lot. Also, maybe because I have always been the “weirdo” anywhere I go, my biggest fear is being rejected (if that was actually possible).

    Loved your post by the way!:) Always nice to know that one is not alone. Really applaude your courage and willingness to share your thoughts.


    • It shouldn’t need to be said, but of course it’s okay to trust your own heart! After all, you know your prime directive for coming here more than anyone else.

  3. Hi Jeff. Thank you so much for this. As I write this, I am incredibly confused. Let me tell you my story. I am 17 years old. As long as I can remember, I’ve always gotten this ‘weird’ feeling when I looked up at the night sky or thought about space. It’s been happening since I was a baby and I simply can’t describe it in words. As a child, I didn’t have many friends and was bullied. Even as a teenager I have two friends. I am not into social media or anything like that. As a toddler, my mother recalls me saying this like “I am from Germany, my children are crying for me” and explaining the circle of life to my aunt (I’ve also had a fascination with reincarnation for SO LONG) This confuses me because star seeds aren’t from here apparently but yesterday, I came across a quote that described the feeling I get when I look at starts as “homesickness”. My hands started shaking and I thought, “yes that’s it’” I started reading some signs and was near tears. I’ve always known what my mission on earth is. It’s to help people. I’ve always been like this, helping others has always been intrinsic to my personality. I knew that this was my purpose before I knew about star seeds. I can’t see myself leading a ‘normal’ life. I feel like I’m destined for something bigger but I don’t know. Am I overthinking this? I’ve mever felt homesick before but I wish I could explain the feeling when I read those lines. I don’t know what happened. Anyway, I don’t know if I’m reading too much into this. Do let me know your thoughts.

    • Hi Sam, thanks for sharing. You might be going through a phase where you are remembering where you came from, and those feelings of “home” are part of what is guiding you toward your true self and mission in this life. Starseeds aren’t totally foreign to Earth, and they may have had many lifetimes on earth, who knows. But what you are experiencing is unique to you and if it feels sacred and meaningful to you, follow it and see where it leads. It’s all unfolding for you.

  4. Hi Jeff.
    I’m a 17 year old girl from Denmark, and about a year ago i discorvered this whole “starseed universe”.
    but reading everything about it didn’t seem like anything new or unfamiliar.
    Cause my whole life I’ve felt like an outcast.. not just a little bit, but a lot. I’ve always known that i’m different.
    I’ve never been interested in/or into any of the normal stuff that other people seem to care about in this world.
    Ever since i can remember, I’ve always had an urge to save the world or do something different.
    I’ve always been so aware of everything going on around me, and even at a crazy young age i remember thinking and questioning stuff that isn’t normal at such a young age. I’ve also ALWAYS been so amazed by our universe, especially the stars, planets and the moon.. but also or world, nature and animals.
    I really can’t see myself doing anything “normal” in this life, like a regular job.. i feel like im wasting my life and that time is slipping up.
    I never liked going to school.. i love learning, but not at a school.. i love exploring and traveling, but to do that i need money, but as i said, i find it so hard to see myself working.
    when i was around 14 i was “diagnosed” with depression and anxiety. I’ve been dealing with that for over 3 years now, and i honestly can’t take it any longer.
    I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, and that’s one of the main things that keep me going.. it calms me down.
    But I’ve felt so alone these past years, and it’s killing me, but when i first found out about starseeds and started reading about it, felt something I’ve never felt before.. i felt like i finally fitted in somewhere. like i finally found a reason for everything i feel, think, believe and have been through.
    But as you write in exactly my words – “am i just making this up and believing in this to feel better..”.. but at the same time I’ve never believed more in anything like i believe in this. i feel very connected to all of this.
    So when i found out about starseeds, i obviously took a bunch of quizzes to maybe get some kind of proof that i wasn’t crazy.. and in every single test i took i got the same answer: “you are a starseed”.
    and almost every single origin test tells me i’m a Pleiadian, and it really seems accurate..
    and all off this just makes me believe that i discovered all of this for a reason.
    but the question still bugs me every single day “am i really a starseed, or is this all just some kind of fantasy world i found, trying to feel better about myself..?”
    cause it’s hard to live with all of this in my mind, when no one seems to believe in it like i do.. no one seems to take me seriously when i try to talk about it.
    but finding this blogpost real helped me a lot, because you write about how you’ve been questioning it so much, which is exactly what i do all the time.
    and one thing that really stood out to me in this post, was how you talked about the shivers, which i get all the time.. whether i’ m hot or cold. whenever there’s something i find unfair, i feel angry, sad, happy or just feel some sort of strong emotion, i get such intense shivers all over my body, and they always kind of make me happy, i dont know why..
    i’ve also always had a pretty strong intuition, which I’ve read to also be a starseed trait.
    another thing is that i never seem to feel at home.. no matter where i go. or at least i feel like my “real” home is somewhere else, and looking up at starry night sky has always been where I’ve felt most “at home”, literally ever since i was a little kid I’ve felt this way.
    i dont even like being in my own room or apartment, cause i just dont feel like this is my home.. at all.
    i know this is all a lot, but i just needed to write this and share it with someone who might feel the same way as i do.
    i feel very stuck and extremely lost and hopeless at the moment.. and hope you could maybe give me some sort of advice on what i need to do/or on life in general..
    and maybe let me know if you think i’m actually a starseed.
    thank you so much.
    all love – ida.

  5. Hi Jeff,
    Wow, thanks so much for sharing! I could have written exactly the same, you really nailed it. My parents are very materialistic and down-to-earth people and they would disinherit me if they knew about this…I grew up like that and became a scientist working in big business in the industry. This made it very hard for me to understand and all “business class people” around me are making it even more difficult. But I was also drawn to spirituality, space and all the stuff listed above and I decided get an education as a healer. There I recognized what extraordinary healing, empathy, intuition and many other skills I have. What also happened is that I learnt to trust my skills, because I have seen “my proof” as a result of my healing work. After my education somebody told me that I am starseed and of course I had no clue. I did the usual Google and Wikipedia research and one day I read something which really hit me (ok, it was during work time when I was alone in a meeting room….). But since then, I feel how I have changed every day and my meditation and daily existence changed significantly. Since I have started trust in me more and more, the more evident everything becomes to me. It is just amazing and I cannot thank you enough for having shared your experience! Best, Nikola

  6. Hi Jeff! I just ran across your blog post here – beautiful nascent story! I compelled to comment on the doubt arising from ego’s need to feel “special.” The ego that is joyfully subsumed by and simultaneously expanded to accommodate the universe is Starseed. The soul willing to claim kinship has manifested it in the willing.

  7. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed reading it. I’m doing research to try and figure out where I might be from. I had an awakening in 2015 and at that time a website regarding the Pleiadian’s opened by itself. But, I don’t really feel that I resonate much with the information I’m finding to describe Pleaidian’s. I am influenced strongly by Neptune. Does anyone know what history Neptune relates to?

  8. Jeff Finely If you don’t mind me asking…you had a reading from Arielle about star seed markings. How many markings do you have? When I look at my chart I have one planet that falls on 27 degrees and then my ascendant and 7th house falls in 27 degrees. I did wonder if you had to have a more to fall in the planets to really confirm you are a star seed.

    • Nimi, yeah I did have a reading from Arielle about Starseed markings. I don’t remember how many she said I had though. I wouldn’t rely on her to tell you what you are though. I’ve had my doubts about their process because I’ve had numerous people share their confirmation mp3 with me and she says some of the same exact things verbatim. Perhaps it’s because she does so many and it gets repetitive after awhile. But I would meditate and go inward and ask yourself, your higher self, if you are a star seed. And listen/feel for any feedback or insights.

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